Loyalty Rewards


Software For Your Business

Software and personalized service to provide you with the Knowledge and Control you need to effectively manage your business.

Affordably priced.



Loyalty Package Rewards

Awards can be anything, they do not have to be your products.

Give your customer something they want.

From our research with small business owners, they value rewards that are not business related.

Their cost for your items and services are business expenses.  Why reward them with something that increases their taxes?  Lower cost of supplies and services equals higher taxes.

Let them redeem points for dinner out with their spouse or sporting events they can take their children.  Anything that lets your customers see the value of doing business with your company.
Features and Benefits
Loyalty Rewards
Sample Screens
Free Trial

Set different point values for each award.

Awards can be your inventory, services, or credit on their account.

Awards can be anything, gift cards, tickets to events, even vacations.

Set the points for each award.  You want to keep the cost of the points to around a penny a point.  For example, if you have a reward for a 50.00 gift card to a restaurant, this could be set to 20000 points where points are calculated on profit and you have a 25% profit margin on sales.

The award analysis can be used to analyze the cost of awards.
Award receipts are emailed or printed when your customer redeems an award.

Point history, point balances, and awards can be viewed by your customer on your web site.

Upload to River Cities Software customer web portal.

Download award requests from the River Cities Software customer web portal.

Export information to CSV or Excel spreadsheets to include in your web site.

Integrate the loyalty web pages into your current web site.  We will help you set this up on your current web site.  Just give us a call or email for requirements and instructions.