Service Manager

This is usually caused by a bad meter reading.

Print a detail service history report for the tech in the date range being analyzed. Look for a negative CBC.  Display the job and correct the CBC.  You may also need to correct the meter readings and/or CBC for the next job for this machine in the service history.


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1. Set the excessive clicks reading in the models serviced table. This will alert the operator when the current click is more than the excessive from the previous click.

2. Set the alerts in the service manager console. This will pop up for the service manage when there is an excessive number of calls (user defined)

3. Print the excessive calls report in the service manager console

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In the service manager console, reports, create survey list.

This will create a list for service calls between two dates. An email, fax, or letter can then be sent from the list.

To send an email, create an email template in the sales prospecting system. Any Word document can be printed or faxed.

An alternative is to send a survey directly upon call completion.  Set this up by going to Service/Contracts, Other, Options.  Select the Email Options tab.  Create or edit your call completed template.

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