Free Trial

Software Trial Request

Fill in the information below to download the trial of the software.  The software has all the features of each package, with the limitation that in can only be installed and used on a single station.  This version cannot be networked with other stations and share databases.

Terms and Conditions

The trial is valid for 30 days.   Download and installation instructions will be displayed on the screen.  You may want to print the instructions.

Software support, training videos, and knowledge base are included.

Registration Form

By downloading the River Cities Software trial you agree that:

River Cities Software licensed software, including source code, object code, user manuals, all documents and related materials, demonstration and sales materials, descriptive materials, support materials, logo, product names,   presentations, and other materials, are copyrighted, trademarked, trade secrets, or otherwise proprietary.  You acknowledge the proprietary nature of River Cities Software materials.  The ideas and expressions thereof contained in RCS programs and materials are acknowledged by you to be trade secrets and vital to the business of RCS,   and all rights are reserved worldwide by River Cities Software.  You shall not use trade secrets made available through this software, help screen, tutorials, or through other materials or demonstrations, to create, or allow someone else to create, source or object code programs or related materials in whole or in part, in any media whatsoever.  You agree that any unauthorized distributing, copying, duplicating or otherwise reproducing all or any part or translated part of materials provided to you, or the failure to protect materials provided, will actually and materially damage RCS.  You agree that in the event you breach this agreement, you shall be liable for damages as may be determined by a court of competent jurisdiction.  This agreement shall be governed and interpreted under the laws of the State of Texas.


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