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May 8, 2009

Customer Web Interface

Your customers can now view a list of outstanding invoices, request email copies of those invoices, and optionally pay the invoices from your web site.
The customer web interface has four parts.
  • Supply Orders and Purchase History
  • Log Service Calls and Service History
  • Enter Meter Readings and Page Counts
  • View Outstanding Invoices and Make Payments
You can add whichever parts you like to give your customers the ability to use the web.

Complete change history

The system now maintains a COMPLETE change history of every change made to your data.  We have also added a record of when certain types of information is created (accounts, items, etc).
These changes, additions, deletions, and when reports were run can be viewed in the admin tools.  Update your admin tools program.

Email Invoices

Automatically email invoices and statements.  Set the email statement/invoice check box on the customer record. When invoicing, the screen will only allow the email invoice option.

New Leasing Package

A new leasing package has been developed.  If you lease or rent machines, this package may be of use.  The system will invoice lease payments by amount or click.  It will also keep track of assets and depreciation of those assets.  You can use the package to invoice property taxes, filing fees, and more.  Give use a call or email for more information on the leasing package.

Accounts Receivable

Print statements now has the option to email statements.  The system will email statements to customer if the email statement/invoice check box is checked on the customer account.
Payments in the transaction detail of invoices now have the user ID who posted the payment.
Prompt for pick tickets option has been added to the options tab.  With this checked, the system will prompt the user to print a pick ticket when saving the order.
Reprint invoices report now has the option to include a range of customer numbers.
The customer screen now has a check box for email invoices.  If checked, this indicates the customer wants all invoices emailed and not printed.  When invoicing the customer, the print options for the invoice are not available, only the email options.
Multiple search names for a customer can be added to the checking account number screen.  This does not have to be checking accounts, but can be anything.  To search, use the check account button on the customer search screen.
Pick tickets now have the option for extra bookmarks for the heading information.  For example, if you need to put the customer name on the pick ticket twice, you can use the bookmark custn2.  All the heading bookmarks have a 2 option.

Bar Code

Printing bar code labels now has the option to print for a single purchase order. This will not print for any items which have already had the invoice received.
The count sheets now have an option to only print if there is activity (receipt or sale) for the item since a certain date.

Financial Manager

The sales analysis reports now shows the name of the rep as well as the rep code in the selection process.
Special Note: After running the sales analysis report, use the Filter button at the top of the screen to filter for specific categories.  For example, you only want to see equipment sales on the report.

General Ledger

The Accounts Receivable Audit now has totals at the bottom of the list.


Model supply cross reference now has a new Add button which allows a search for the inventory item.
When transferring inventory between warehouses, the usage screen now shows the transfer (both sides).  This allows a record of the inventory transferred between warehouses.
Inventory receipts now saves a copy of the grid as an excel workbook in the reprint reports area of your server.

Purchase Order

There is now a reference purchase order number for every purchase order.  You can put anything as the reference purchase order number.  This will print on the purchase orders instead of the actual purchase order number.  The default reference po number is the actual purchase order number.  This allows you to have your own numbering sequence or method for purchase orders.  For example, you may prefix po numbers with a user id.  The reference purchase order number has a maximum of 20 characters.
The reference purchase order number can also be used in a purchase order search.


Display/Dispatch PM Calls now shows the date of the last service below the last PM date.
Vendor credit code field added to the contract tab of the machine display.  This can be used for query purposes.  For example, Kyocera gives certain credits for schools and major accounts.  You can enter a 'K' on the vendor credit code.  Now you can get a list of the amount invoiced in the date range when running the Billed Contract Analysis report.  This can be used for any separation you desire, for example major account billing or inter-territorial billing. The vendor credit code is a one character code.
The contract tab of the machine now has a separate email invoice as well as email meter request.  Each can have a different email address.
Service history reports now have a tab for "total block".  This will show the totals and averages for the information on the report tab.
The group number of the machine has been added to the list of machines by customer and the list of all machines.
You can now enter a meter reading without a service call or meter request for reading.  Display the machine and click the Add Reading button on the bottom left side of the screen.  This is above the list of meters.  The reading will be added to the selected meter.
The display service history screen now shows the customer number, name, machine model, and serial number.
The invoice history of the contract (showing clicks, base, and overage amounts) now has a print and export button for the grid.
Machines can now be searched by bill to customer.  Go to Service/Contract Billing, Machines.  There is now a search for bill to customer option there.

Sales Prospecting

Create lists now has the option to test the appointment date and/or invoice date (either before or after), when filtering for customer/prospect activity.  The appointment date test also includes a test on the prospect task date.

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